Congo Traditional 1952 and 1957

Track B6: Luma Pipes

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Congo Traditional 1952 and 1957

(140 grs vinyl LP)

recordings by Hugh Tracey

Music from another world! This collection of magnificent recordings merely touches on the richness and diversity of the traditional musics of the Congo, as found by Hugh Tracey in the 1950s. In the ensemble tracks we can hear his hand-held microphone technique, as he moves around with his one mike to highlight one instrument after the other – a kind of instant mixing. But how many of these musical traditions have been lost since they were captured on tape? Urbanisation and satelite tv have taken their toll. We are lucky to have these recordings, but they especially are a gift to the peoples involved, for the legacy as played by their forebears belongs to them. A compilation of tracks from the cds SWP 009 On The Edge Of The Ituri Forest, SWP 011 Kanyok And Luba, SWP 016 Forest Music:

Side A: 1. Yando, (Buudu people), 2. Mbo, (Buudu), 3. Chindol Wa Mukaleng, (Kanyok), 4. Wa Lwend Chombel, (Kanyok), 5. Wa Kabwala Wa Beena Luluwa, (Luluwa), 6. Bambuti Dance, (Mbuti), 7. Andanyero Mamamba, (Medje). Total 23:18
Side B: 1. Gitari Na Congo, (Zande), 2. Three Girls' Party Songs, (Yogo), 3. Mali Ta Kangana, (Lendu), 4. Iyo-o-o, (Mbuti), 5. Amabele-o-iye, (Mbuti), 6. Luma Pipes, (Mbuti), 7. Lumpungu, (Luba Kasai), 8. Amana Mi Adu Nangwetia Lebobo, (Bwa), 9. Nande Likembe Tune, (Nande), 10. Four Flute Tunes, (Nande). Total 22:16

MixedWorldMusic 2014 (NL)"De rijkdom en diversiteit van de traditionele Congolese muziek is overweldigend. Muziek uit een wereld die allang niet meer bestaat en je doet beseffen hoeveel pure schoonheid – wars van enige commercie – verdwenen is sinds de jaren vijftig van de vorige eeuw. Muziek waar je intens blij en vrolijk van wordt, maar die ook droevig stemt vanwege het besef dat je luistert naar klanken uit een verloren wereld."  "The richness and diversity of traditional Congolese music is overwhelming. Music from a world that no longer exists and that makes you realise how much pure beauty – free of any commercialism – has been lost since the fifties of the last century. Music that makes you intensely happy and merry, but also sad because of the realisation that you are listening to sounds from a lost world."